One and Done Studio, the creation of Lorin Brown, has been a long-standing IKO IKO collaborator, helping craft our graphic design to have a specific voice. This BLEACHED BLEACHED entry is to honor Lorin’s work for us and to share something from his illustration endeavors, something outside of client visions.
#Faces, #Shapes, #Studies is a series of illustrated collages taking cues from the sum of the culture we see everyday. It’s a kaleidoscopic exclamation, using strength through color and energized compositions, with a nod to the traditions of Stanislav Holý, Seymour Chwast, and Peter Max.
This may be the moment to consider all of what you see…how much you see, and what you might not see. See?
Lorin Brown creates work under One and Done Studio and is currently based in Philadelphia, PA.
View One and Done Studio work:
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