reflecting, receding, attracting, inflating, hovering, holding, flashing, mirroring, fainting,
dimming, layering, dreaming, obscuring, exposing, gleaming, dulling, decorating, shaping,
mirroring, mistaking, listening, staging, suggesting, concealing, proposing, avoiding, confronting,
exchanging, gesturing.
Verb equals action, state of being, occurrence. Issue No. 9 equals a collection of photos by Emily Hadden. These images equal the content of light and what it can illuminate. Verbs to guide: to look. to consider. to delight. Emily Hadden is a London-based designer with a concentration in fashion graphics,
illustration, photography, film and installation. She currently works as a designer for
Stella McCartney in addition to her freelance design projects. For more of her work:
To see the downloadable version: